MTERA Partners with NREL

MTERA is excited to announce its partnership with NREL to identify, and develop strategies for, regulatory challenges to the development of solar photovoltaic projects at all scales on Tribal land.


The 3-year project involves:

  • Stakeholder engagement in the form of a questionnaire at the project start, midpoint, and end, to inform project topics and to evaluate changes throughout the project;

  • A set of virtual listening sessions in the first year to identify barriers and potential solutions;

  • The development of project training and guidance materials in the second year, including virtual and in-person sessions to gather stakeholder perspectives;

  • The deployment of these materials in a series of workshops and events in the third year to guide stakeholders in the use of the guidebooks in their contexts; and

  • Sending final project materials to all participants and making them available after the project period through NREL and MTERA.

Throughout the project, NREL and MTERA will be engaging with stakeholders across the country. As a first step, NREL and MTERA have issued a questionnaire to establish a baseline among the different project stakeholder groups (e.g., tribal staff, utility representatives, and state regulators) of their best practices for engagement with the other groups, and their general knowledge surrounding the topic of challenges to solar development on tribal land.

Your participation is critical to the success of this project. Please click the button below to participate in the first project survey: