MTERA Resources for SolWEB and PV-SuCCESS programs

MTERA recently hosted a meeting for board members to provide an overview of the PV-SuCCESS program and SolWEB program.

Argonne National Laboratory led the presentation on the SolWEB program, highlighting the planned soil sampling fieldwork, which will take place in 2024 & 2025 over 1-2 days. The exact date will be determined with solar facility management. Project staff will lead the sampling at the Tribal solar facility with the option to analyze additional constituents such as nitrogen, phosphorus, lead, and cadmium and/or residual pesticides. Tribal staff are invited to participate, and the sample will be analyzed free of charge with anonymized results

Great Plains Institue followed with a presentation on the PV-SuCCESS program, highlighting the aim to assess the impact of large- or community-scale solar development on ecosystem services in host communities. It focuses on both physical services (such as habitat, water quality, and soil health) and cultural services (including viewshed, spirituality, recreation, and economic benefits).

The project involves field research on existing or proposed solar sites and engages community decision-makers, regulators, and members to address their priorities and concerns regarding cultural services. This engagement will consider three perspectives: rural counties and cities hosting solar development, state agencies responsible for cultural services, and Tribal Nations exploring solar development.

Recording of the MTERA-hosted info session,

MTERA - SolWEB - PV-SuCCESS board presentation-20240913_100342-Meeting Recording.mp4

Presentation Slides of the MTERA-hosted info session