Program Overview
MnDOT’s Clean Transportation Pilot Funding Program provides up to $2 million annually in grants ranging from $25,000 to $500,000 to pilot, test, and increase adoption of clean transportation technologies, especially where cost is a barrier to implementation.
The overall program goal is to demonstrate the potential of innovative clean transportation technologies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector in Minnesota and help the state meet our statutory GHG reduction goals in the Next Generation Energy Act. Successful programs will incorporate resilient design features; be responsive to economic disruptions; expand access to clean transportation technologies, especially in smaller and/or rural communities; and bring equity in project siting and user benefits, especially for communities of color and low-income residents.
The establishment of this program was a recommendation from MnDOT’s Pathways to Decarbonizing Transportation in Minnesota report of 2019. This program was developed in collaboration with MnDOT’s Sustainable Transportation Advisory Council and is administered by MnDOT’s Office of Sustainability and Public Health.
For more information, please see the Clean Transportation Pilot Guide.
Qualifying Activities
Projects that will implement vehicle propulsion and/or fuels technologies that reduce GHG emissions compared to traditional gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines.
Projects that advance infrastructure or implement systems that avoid or reduce transportation GHG emissions. Examples include, but are not limited to, shifting single-occupancy vehicle trips to other modes, reducing peak trip demand, advancing complete streets programs, increasing the availability of electric vehicles (EVs) and charging facilities, promote low carbon/advance biofuels, and other similar efforts.
Projects that demonstrate innovative uses and/or adoption of commercially available clean transportation technologies in new or underserved communities or help to overcome barriers to new technology adoption in Minnesota, such as operability during winter months.
Projects that demonstrate how clean transportation technologies can be scaled up to serve a larger markets or larger numbers of users.
Projects that expand knowledge and understanding of clean transportation technologies in communities that may have less access to this information.
Solicitation Timeline
October 26, 2020 – Pre-solicitation informational meeting
November 2, 2020 – Submission period of letters of interest begins
December 7, 2020 – Letters of interest due
December 21, 2020 – MnDOT announces applicants selected for full application
February 15, 2021 – Full applications due
March 15, 2021* – MnDOT announces applicants selected to receive FY21 funding
April 15, 2021* – Applicant grant agreements with MnDOT completed
* These dates are goals and may need to be adjusted. Applicants will be informed of any delays.
Award Amount and Match Requirement
Awards amounts will range from $25,000 to $500,000.
There is no match requirement for projects submitted by Tribal Nations.