Local Government, Tribes, Schools, & Nonprofits: Clean Energy Funding Series

Join us for the second of six virtual webinars on clean energy funding opportunities as we focus on local government, Tribes, schools, & nonprofits.

Part of the Clean Energy Funding Series: Current & Future Federal & State Opportunities

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

12:00-1:00 PM (CST)

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Substantial actions and funding to move the US to a clean energy economy and tackle the climate crisis were signed into law through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL, November 2021) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA, September 2022). The new federal funding through BIL and IRA will be game-changing to help catalyze the clean energy and climate work that so many State, Tribal, and Local governments and community groups in Wisconsin are doing already. It will help rural and disadvantaged communities and school districts to participate too in clean energy projects and jobs that will lift them up.

There are many programs and funding streams in these federal laws that are or will be available over the next 10 years. The goal of this webinar in the Clean Energy Funding series is to empower local governments, tribes, schools, and nonprofits to access funding successfully so that Wisconsin can prosper in the transition to the clean energy economy. Our expert panel will inform you of current grants, payments, and financing opportunities and what you can do to prepare to apply for them. You will have the opportunity to ask questions.

In this Clean Energy Funding Webinar, you will learn about:

  • Federal funding available now and on the horizon

  • How to prepare for funding opportunities and what’s needed to put a federal grant together

  • The new direct payment to nonprofit entities and how that’s a game changer

  • Statewide funding available now from Focus on Energy

Our Presenters

Rose Dady, US Department of Energy, Midwest Regional Intergovernmental and External Affairs Specialist

Rose Dady is a Regional Intergovernmental and External Affairs Specialist for the Midwest, in DOE’s Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs. Rose Dady was most recently Director of Grants Administration for the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office in Detroit, Michigan. She has dedicated her career to implementing grassroots solutions for marginalized groups throughout the state of Michigan, specifically in translating organizational objectives into actionable plans. She is known for building coalitions to develop more resilient communities with equitable opportunity and access.

Maria Redmond, Wisconsin Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy, Director

Maria serves as the Director of the Wisconsin Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy and has worked for the State of Wisconsin for 22 years. In addition to helping with the development and implementation of the recommendations from the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, Maria is leading the implementation of the state’s first ever Clean Energy Plan. The plan is centered on environmental justice, creates a pathway to multi-sector deep decarbonization and a bustling clean energy economy that supports a diverse workforce and technology innovation. Maria is a Certified Public Manager, holds a BA in Psychology and a Certificate in African Studies from UW-Madison.

Melanie Askay, Dane County Office of Energy & Climate, Climate Specialist

In her role as Climate Specialist, Melanie is focused on implementing the recommendations set forth in Dane County’s Climate Action Plan. She has over ten years of experience facilitating global and regional natural resource management across nonprofit, government, and business. Prior to joining Dane County Melanie was in California where she focused her efforts on land and water conservation statewide through grants and policymaking. Melanie has a Master’s of Science from Illinois State University and a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Delaware.

Heather Feigum, Focus on Energy, Agriculture Program and Schools & Government Program Manager

Heather has 15 years of experience having managed energy and project management teams in school districts and as a Focus on Energy Advisor for Schools and Government facilities. Heather began her energy explorations working as a Renewable Energy Researcher at Minnesota State University at Moorhead while getting her bachelor’s degree in Physics with an emphasis in Business. She attained her Masters in Renewable Energy Science with an emphasis on Energy Systems and Policies from the University of Iceland. Heather is a Certified Energy Manager and Certified Performance Contracting & Funding Professional accredited by the Association of Energy Engineers.

Our Moderator

Sherrie Gruder, LEED AP, UW-Madison Extension, Sustainable Design & Energy Specialist

Sherrie provides statewide education and technical assistance on sustainable community development, sustainable energy strategies, and green building to support the resilience and economic vitality of Wisconsin communities, local governments, tribes, and businesses. She delivers the Energy On Wisconsin newsletter, web site and education programs.  She authored the Solar Energy Financing Guide: Empowering Wisconsin Local Governments and assists them with energy and resilience planning and how to profitably and effectively meet their energy independent community goals.

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Clean Energy Funding Series: Current & Future Federal & State Opportunities Overview

Substantial federal funding to spur America’s transition to a clean energy economy will be available over the next few years as a result of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean energy jobs and technologies, clean transportation, and energy equity will be more accessible to a wider range of sectors than ever before. This webinar series on clean energy funding is designed to ready each sector in Wisconsin to take advantage of the opportunities that are or will be available so that you can prepare effectively to bring that money to your projects. You will learn about:

  • Federal and state funding opportunities available now and in the future

  • Using other federal and state financing and tax incentives in conjunction with federal grants

  • Preparing to apply – what you need to do

  • Accessing resources to assist

Bringing in funding will accelerate the return on investment of your clean energy project and help you earn savings sooner, while speeding up your progress toward resilience, energy independence, and carbon neutrality. Our presenters will help you navigate the landscape of grants and finance opportunities to move forward on obtaining funding for your project.

Upcoming Webinars in the Clean Energy Funding Series

  • Ag Producers & Rural Businesses

  • Local Government, Schools, & Nonprofits – March 14, 12-1 pm (CST)

  • Business – March 28, 12-1 pm (CST)

  • Transportation – April 11, 12-1 pm (CST)

  • Residential – April 25, 12-1 pm (CST)

  • Equity / Justice 40 – May 9, 12-1 pm (CST)