First Name
Last Name
Are the monthly MTERA Board Meetings structured in a way that aligns with your preferences and needs? If not, what changes would make MTERA meetings feel more engaging and productive for you?
Does the information provided by MTERA in the pre-board meeting email (e.g., agenda, background documents) sufficiently prepare you for the meeting discussions? If not, what’s missing?
Are you looking for more networking opportunities with MTERA board members and stakeholders?
What specific challenges do you face in receiving or interpreting updates from MTERA, and how can we address them?
What type of information would you like to receive more regularly from MTERA (e.g., funding opportunities, policy updates, project highlights)?
How frequently do you think updates or check-ins should be shared with board members?
Share updates the same day you receive the information.
One collective email at the end of the week.
Just share the updates to the MTERA website and let me browse as needed.
In your opinion, how well does MTERA address the needs and priorities of your Tribe? What changes would you suggest to better align MTERA's initiatives with your organization's interests?
What additional resources, tools, or training would you like to suggest MTERA provide in 2025?
What could MTERA do differently in 2025 to better serve you, improve communication, and strengthen your relationship between the MTERA team and board members?
What does success look like to you for MTERA and its member Tribes in 2025?
Would you be interested in attending an in-person MTERA Annual Meeting in 2025?